Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Form 6118 (Pev 11-921 Page Paperwork Roduction Act Notice penalties imposed by an IRS service center (shown Form 5335} pue penalties We ask for the information on this forr 1 out the claim. f you file single imposed claim by +r district penalties office hilled on on the different same Internal Revenue the United States You are required statements. please group the penalties from each statement to give the information. We need it to ensure theat you are together complying wilh these lans o arrd allow LS: ligure and You Tile separale clairms for relund each penally collect the right qunoue Lax A B or I. even il you were charged lwo penallies Lhe he time needed to complete pue file this form will vary same type depending an indivi circums tances The estimated aver age time Where and When To F ...